I am the Cailleach, Goddess of Winter, Mother of Mountains, Ageless Lady of Dark Places, Ancient Crone of Wisdom. The Winter brings the Spring, and in death, I am endlessly renewed.

Culture or Country of Origin
Irish / Scottish
Other Names/Spellings
Related Sister-Goddesses

Cailleach Bhear,
Black Annis

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Pocket-sized Cailleach

Also available as a card!


Cailleach's body is of a suede-like soft fabric, Winter-inspired in its hues of blue and embellished with embroidered snowflakes. Her hair is the bright white of fresh snow, and her necklace is of rough clear crystals which look like ice. She wears a silver snowflake in her hair. Her skin is the traditional blue shade referred to in all of her legends.

11"Cailleach is $50

6" Cailleach is $35

3.5" Cailleach is $16