I am Gwenhwyfar, Sovereign Goddess of the Land, May Queen and First Lady of the Court. My powers come from the Ancient Otherworld, and Arthur's power to rule the land came directly from me. I am a bridge between the land and humankind, and I have been at work since time immemorial. My very being will inspire you to rise up and attain goals you thought impossible!

Culture or Country of Origin
Cornish / Welsh
Other Names/Spellings
Related Sister-Goddesses


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Detail of Gwenheyfar's Celtic Cross

pocket Gwenhwyfar

Gwenhwyfar wears a shimmery pale blue gown embroidered with a Celtic Cross, which symbolizes the four directions of the Land caught up in the eternal and everlasting knots of the Spirit. She hair is a nod to the Welsh translation of her name "white shadow." She wears a silver circlet on her brow and a silver necklace as well.

11" Gwenhwyfar is $55

6" Gwenhwyfar is $35
(6" will have a           different cross)

3.5" Gwenhwyfar is $16
Gwen's circlet and necklace may not be CPSIA compliant, and therefore is not intended for children under the age of 12.