I am the Morrigan, Great Goddess of Battle. Everyone experiences a battle of some sort in their lifetime: perhaps in a field or jungle, but more likely within a family, or even just inside the mind. Many times these battles result in a physical, emotional, or spiritual death. Death is transforming, and leads to rebirth. My ravens pick clean the bones of the fallen, who go on to nourish the soil which will feed their descendants. A blade like mine may take a life, certainly, but it also cuts the umbilical cord from a new baby, giving a new start of individuality and empowerment. What will your deaths provide for you and yours?

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detail of Morrigan's ravens

pocket Morrigan

Here's Morrigan in an opposite color scheme:


The Morrigan is dressed in a crimson crushed velvet, adorned with an embroidery of entwined Celtic Ravens. At her side she wears a small sword, and her necklace is of black onyx.

11" Morrigan is $65

6" Morrigan is $30 (she has no sword and no Celtic embroidery at this point. Her ravens will look like the pocket version's.)

3.5" Morrigan is $16