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My dolls are here. AMAZING! The big Oshen is on my altar next to Lakshmi and the little one is on my dununba (the "daddy" drum as Moses calls it). Thank You SOOOOO much! I love them!
Demeter arrived on Saturday! WOW!!! This doll is even more lovely in person! Kelli, you are truly a mistress of your craft. :)
Anne Marie
So happy, my beautifull Hecate has arrived :) Love her to bits, and the travel altar is just gorgous too. I got a big suprise when dh walked in with the parcel actually I though it would take longer to get here.
Thanks again xox
Red Freya arrived yesterday and she is GORGEOUS! I'd have a hard time giving her up, except I know Rachel, my midwife friend, will love her. Rachel saw the robin-Ostara doll I'd ordered for our new-mom friend and thought she was wonderful; so we showed her the website and she's been crazy for the dolls
-- I've scarcely been able to contain my glee and keep the surprise. I'll see Rachel on Saturday to give her Red Freya. I can't wait!
Thank you (!!) and Blessings,
Dear Kelli,
Thanks so much for the beautiful goddess items, they arrived on Thursday afternoon.
Steve, my husband, has worked out the directions in our garden room for the flags, the wheel calendar is to go with my altar space and the doll, well, what can I say? So cuddly, beautiful to touch and look at and I'm sure will become a treasured member of our family when Indy's birthday comes round. :D I just wanted to say they were beautiful and you must be incredibly proud of your work :)
Blessed Be x
Sharon in UK
I heard the doorbell ring this morning, and I'm still laying in bed (didn't get to sleep till nearly 5am) and heard my auntie going to the door to answer it. Well I started for the door while patting down my frizzy hair, praying the whole time, please let it be them!! And lo and behold, there they were!!! Made my day! (Cause it didn't promise to be good, LOL). My auntie just oooohhhed and aaahhhed over them, how pretty they were and what did I call them. They are just LOVELY! Right now they are sitting pretty as you please on the couch. Till I can figure out where to display them and they remain clean, LOL! Thank you so much!! I absolutely love them!!!
O Kelli She is Beautiful, with tears in my eyes i hold my Maeve, she is just how i thought that she would be. It is as if you had a window into my mind and soul.
My son gasped when he saw her and said Mommy's Goddess. Thank you for the well wishes for my Handfasting next week.
I am at a lost for words which is not something that happens often.
Thank you so Much.
Dear Kelli~
My spirit sisters have both received their Goddess Dolls, and their reactions were *overwhelming*. I cannot tell you the amazing power your Ladies have had in our lives. They are both raving with adoration about the Dolls. Again, thank you SO much for blessing us with your Art. I definitely foresee seeking your talents to Weave the threads between spirit and being in the future. And after all the attention they are getting from numerous friends, I think others may do the same. ^__^
Love and Light,
Hey Kelli -
I wanted to tell you that we received the Aphrodite and Green Man dolls and they are lovely. They went to my ex-mother-in-law's house and she called to tell me that there was a package for me. I asked what it was and she replied flatly, "They're goddess dolls." Mind you, she's still waiting for the Rapture. :)
Anyway, the kids love their dolls. Winter refuses to sleep without her Aphrodite doll and she cuddles Her on the couch as she watches movies. Hunter's Green Man doll, on the other hand, keeps popping up and attacking Aprodite. Boys. However, when it's nighttime, Hunter has his doll with him and keeps it very close. Both are getting a lot of love.
I just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful job you did and, now, Winter keeps getting me to show her all of the dolls. She wants "friends" for Aphrodite...All of them. I told her I would get her another one for her birthday. I don't think she can wait.
A note from Winter. "Thank you for the doll and I love my doll very much and I love you too, Kelli. Love, Winter."
I hope things go well for you, and I guess we'll be ordering more soon...
Holly, Winter and Hunter Smith
Wanted to let you know I received the dolls today. They are incredible. I will be ordering at least one more in the next month or so. Thanks so much for the love and care I feel from you when I look at them. You are truly gifted.
Love and Blessings,
Kim Alexander
Hi, Kelli,
I just received the wonderful prayer flags and I love them! They are so very magical and filled with your presence and Her presence. I am going to hang them above my sewing machine to bring Goddess into all the sewing that I do. What a blessing to have you back in my life too. It is such a synchronous event that brought us back together that I believe we have some Goddess work (hopefully sewing) to do together. You are truly a blessing to all who honor Her Bright Spirit.
Goddess be with you and your family,
Morgan and the purrkids, Hazel and Miss Sophie
Hello Dear, I wanted to tell you how awesome my dolls are. I have my Hecate keeping Asherah company. The other is for my daughter for Yule. She has wanted one of your dolls for a long time and I think she will be very pleased. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Yule. And Thanks for the wonderful dolls. Blessings, owlgranny
I just wanted to tell you my Moma gave me a Maat doll you made for Yule...It is the most beautiful addition to my alter. Thank you so much for having these out here for us to choose from. Blessed Be!, Kristi
Hi Kelli!
The dolls showed up today, thank goodness too because we're going out of town tomorrow.
THEY'RE GORGEOUS!!!! and they smell so goood!!!!
Thank you so much! You do beautiful work ;) I'll be shopping your site again soon...
Hi Kelli, The dolls came today and I love them! Thank you so much...they are perfect. I'm giving Danu and Grandmother Dream Weaver as gifts. I just know that my friends will love them as well. Denise vonMering
Hello Kelli!
My shipment came and the God and Goddess dolls are so cute!! Thank you so much! I'm going to have to order more in the new year but bigger LOL!
You truly have a gift. I am so thankful that I found your site.
Blessings and love,
Kelli-- received my goddess box on Saturday. The dolls are both exquisite. Sedna seems so earth and cuddly, and the little butterfly goddess is precious. I'm going to have a very hard time giving them away!
Thanks again for all your work. It's going to be a great Chanukah and a great Yule, too. A merry Yule to you, and be well.
I was finally able to send the Skating doll to my neice and she cried when she opened the box. She couldn't believe the doll and said that was exactly what she was looking at and dreaming of. I can't wait to do business with you all again. Joyous Yule!
Tina Chandler
Hi Kelli
Just wanted to drop you a line to say a big "THANK YOU" for the beautiful Samhain Kore I was lucky enough to win in the recent giveaway. She arrived safe and sound just before the Sabbat and is even more lovely than the pictures on your website suggest.
I hope you and yours had a happy and blessed Samhain and I look forward to seeing more of your Goddesses as they come into being.
Many thanks again.
I forgot to tell you, my mom cried when she got the doll, and couldn't stop telling me how wonderful it was. My grandma now SLEEPS with the pillow. Every night holds it in her arms and sleeps with it. It was powerful, and just the right medicine. Thank you so much. I adore you, Kelli, and appreciate the beauty of your work.
Love ya girl,
thank you so much kelli. I received the package a couple of days ago and i was out of town and i am so happy. thankyou so much and i will definately order from you again. blessed be your wonderful hands and inspirational mind. bb. daianeara
Good morning Kelli!! Just to let you know the Kali's have arrived safely - thank you so much!! I love all of the girls of course, but I think that Kali is my absolute favourite so far!! Thank you once again - you are an absolute star!! Blessings, Caroline.
Oh Kelli! She's gorgeous. Maia couldn't have been more thrilled.
She says:
"Thank-you very much. She's a great doll. She has beautiful embroidery and she reminds me of Thanksgiving. She makes me feel happy when I hold her. She is very soft and nice to sleep with. I think she will be very happy living here with all my other dolls."
Love Maia (age 6)
Oh Kelli, I know you hear this a lot, but pictures REALLY, REALLY don't do your dolls justice. I don't know what it is - maybe you just have to be able to handle them physically to fully appreciate their energy. My package arrived yesterday and I absolutely love my Aphrodite! Thank you so much for honoring my vision. I was able to make her necklace yesterday so I just have to hang the poem up and I'll be able to get a picture off to you. Be on the lookout!
Many blessings, Meg
(You can see Meg's Aphrodite altar on the "gallery" page up on the lefthand side of this page)
Hello Kelli, The girls have arrived, and they are absolutely beautiful - thank you so much. I especially love Medusa - my hair colour is like Flidais, but I'm thinking Medusa's locks look so much more exotic!!!....
Blessings, Caroline.
I received the Ostara Kore yesterday. I was so excited when I opened the enveloppe !!!! Once it was opened I was delighted to see how carefully the doll was wrapped, how beautiful (and scenty :) !) everything was.
The doll is even prettier in real than it is on picture, and it's soooo soft. My daughter saw it on the table from upstairs and she couldn't stop from saying "oooooh", "aaaahh" on her way down to admire "mama's doll". She gave it a nice big hug and said she'd like to have the same.
Thank you *so much*, again, it is truly a blessing to have one of your creations in my hands, I really feel honored to have such a beautiful doll in my house. I can feel all the positive energy and all the thoughts, work and blessings you put in the making of these dolls and yesterday was definitely a very very special day for me, thanks to you.
Aegiale in France
I got my package yesterday, thank you so much! The calendar is even more beautiful than it looks on your site~ I just love it!! I love the sparkly fabric, too! I can't wait to hang it in our new home... 2 weeks and counting till we move, yay! Also, the Aphrodite is wonderful, I'm crazy about her and I may even paint our new bedroom in her colors, they're so beautiful! Your new stuff has me drooling, lol... I see a new goddess handbag in my future for sure, heehee.
Thanks again for everything, your work makes me very happy! I will be in touch soon, I am pondering a goddess for Yule for my daughter.
With thanks, love, and blessings,
I am so grateful
to have found your work. Most Goddess art doesn't work for me, but
your dolls are so similar to the way I actually experience the
Goddess-- soft, round, flexible, brightly colored, infinitely
varied-- that I just love looking at the ones I have here at home.
I feel very close to each one of them. I hope to build a set of
shelves to hold them all! And it's great to be able to collaborate
with you on designing them. I've never collected anything (besides
books), but it appears that is changing :) Sometimes I even lend the
dolls out to friends who need a Goddess-hug.
Summer warmth and joy to you,
Titania arrived yesterday - she is so much more beautiful in person. Thank
you for creating her for me. Now I just have to figure out which Goddess to
give to which daughter. Have a wonderful solstice.
Greetings Kelli, I just wanted to let you know I received the White Buffalo Woman today and she is beautiful!!! The pictures don't do her justice! Thank you so much. I can't wait to see the rest. You have such a wonderful gift straight from Goddess herself. Blessings to you, Susan Smith
When I first found your site, I was so enthralled by your dolls that I spent, literally, days trying to decide which *one* I was going to order. Every one of the goddesses seemed appropriate for me or someone I know, and I had a really hard time narrowing my choices to fit my budget. I, finally, made the decision, and after receiving the dolls, there really aren't the right words to express how lovely and how fitting they truly are. When I presented Frigga to my friend, it was such a lovely surprise and Frigga is just so beautiful, my friend nearly cried. I can hardly wait to see the look on my mother-in-law's face when she sees Nana, who is just an amazing creation! Ironically, when I first started contemplating my order, I had intended to order a doll for each of my daughters, too, but didn't. Now, I am regretting that decision, because my four year old has absconded with my Frigga ;). My girls are having almost as much fun trying to decide on the *one* they want as I did, and we're all looking forward to when you will be reopening your production lines :).
Thank you so much for sharing your talent, creativity, and vision!
Wendy Brown, Maine
To date I have ordered 5 goddess dolls from Kelli, and in every instance they have been even more beautiful than can be shown on the website. Kelli delivers these beautiful, cuddly, handmade dolls in a very short time. They arrive packaged in beautiful paper & ribbon, and carefully boxed.
The most recent doll I have purchased from her was a custom goddess, and, I switched gears halfway through the project. Kelli didn't even skip a beat, worked in my changes, and my goddess is beautiful & perfect in every way.
Kelli is a wonderfully friendly & professional person, and I'll be adding to my goddess doll collection for a long time.
I want to tell you how much of a privilege it's been to be in your
Wheel-of-the-Year club. It may sound silly, but your dolls have actually
changed the way I celebrate my spirituality. These days, I always (well
almost always) get our altar set up, and I've found that I'm spending more
and more time actually at the altar...reflecting, meditating, reading, etc.
Our altar has become a real focal point in our home and a source of warmth
and comfort. And, I think a lot of that is thanks to you and your beautiful
dolls. It's been so nice to bring in the mail and find one of your packages
with a doll inside, lovingly wrapped up in tissue with a hand-written note.
I keep the card that you enclose describing the doll on the altar so that
friends and family can read about the Goddess. Anyway, to make a long story
short...I have loved being in the Wheel-of-the-Year club. Thanks so much for
all the love you put into these amazing dolls.
Hi Kelli,
She arrived on Monday and is just beautiful! I am so happy with her.
I will most definitely will be back for more of these gorgeous dolls. Thank you so much!
Oh Kelli,
These are soooooo beautiful - I nearly cried! Whoever said on your website that the pictures of the dolls don't do justice to their loveliness in person was RIGHT! The loving care you put into your work just radiates from the altar cloth and the doll I ordered. Probably good for my pocketbook that you're going out on maternity, then, 'cuz I'm soooooooo tempted to start getting the wheel of the year dolls now too! ;-)
Have a blessed babymoon and I'll look forward to ordering more from you in the future!
Hecate is here! And oh my Goddess... She is stunning! She's so incredibly
soft and cuddlesome! She's great to hold and I just keep reaching out every few
minutes to touch her, to feel that softness :-) Her hair is also amazing,
so long and thick and so very fleecy -- and the colours! Superb!
She's so velvety to the touch! I love her already and am mad about her :-)
I can't express enough how fabulous it is to have my own Hecate to cuddle,
how fun! Thank you for making her for me, I am thrilled, I can't get over
how fabulous she is -- I mean, I thought she'd be beautiful but I didn't
think she'd be *this* gorgeous! Wow! I'll definitely be after more of your
dolls now :-)
Thank you, Kelli, thank you... You are a treasure with a wonderful gift. I
hope you continue to share it and more people discover your wonderful dolls
Goddess Bless,
Feedback from Lynn
The Pictures do not do them justice... Your dolls are so soft so pretty and the quality of workmanship is Unbelievable... I love My Hecate .. the symbol I had you put on her is perfect and looks great black on black...
Cerridwen is perfect I was concerned if I would like the golden body colour But it is so pretty in person.. and You did them so quickly.. even with the special additions for me.... ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
You are quite the lady... Brightest Blessings Lynn
Kelli--they arrived in the mail today!!!!!! I just opened them a little while ago.
Words simply cannot express how beautiful they are. I wish I could add some bouncing smilies to my mail, but I don't know how, so you will just have to settle for lots of exclamation marks and smiles. :))))))
I'm so glad you chose the red hair for MM--it's so right for her. I love how the hair curls like that. The blue satin is gorgeous. Both goddesses are just wonderful to look at in person; being able to see their little jeweled necklaces and hair charms. The bridal veil in lace is so lovely....you're right--the symbolism is awesome--the star, the pearls, the veil... And they're soft and squishy and Freya is made of a wool that's soothing to the touch....
I couldn't get over the little personal notes directly to me from the Ladies! That felt very special. That's pretty note paper, too--I have some of that and love it--with the flowers and leaves pressed in. I love your print and writing styles, too; thank you for the description of MM you enclosed.
They were packed so carefully, like a gift of flowers, with the paper and the satin ribbon with a little flower in each one. And the purple paper in the background. And all with a recycled box, too--so see, you can be green and elegant at the same time--good for you. :)
I felt really special opening them--you are sending wonderful, healing energy out into the world by making these lovely Ladies. I wish I could buy them all! The dancing goddess dolls are a beautiful, inspired idea, and I wish you much success. :)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!
((((((here's some hugs, too)))))))
Goddess blessings,
I want a BIGGER ONE!!! PLEAAAAAAAAAAASE!! They are fabulous-Freya is as enchanting in person as on the page, but so much better! She is so soft and beautiful! And the leaf boy is so wonderful in person :)
Thank you so very much! I love love LOVE your dolls! Children let you live
your childhood over again :)
More feedback from Selena!
Kelli! I just received Nut and she is the most utterly beautiful thing I have ever seen! (well, not counting my kids, lol)... her hair, all the colors of the sunset, her skin, the velvet body her upraised arms lifted! What a truly beautiful transformation of spirit to fabric! I am just shocked and amazed at her beauty! I look forward to many more transactions in the future! THANK you for your beautiful work and you amazing friendship!
Kelli --
With much anticipation I opened the box and there she was -- Cailleach! This "Ancient Crone of Wisdom" is divine! She is will grace my winter altar. Her flowing white hair and pale blue face hint of the snows to come.
Sarasvati, my new pocket Goddess, is dear! She will travel with me -- attached to my bag, blessing me with her knowledge and inspiration.
Thank you, Kelli, for your attention to detail and bringing us your Dancing Goddess Dolls. I plan to purchase a larger one soon! Which one will it be??? Deciding is part of the fun. How I wish I had a granddaughter . . . oh well, will have to play with her myself!
I purchased a doll from Kelli. The transaction could not have gone smoother! She custom made her to how I wanted the doll to look. She was so pleasant and professional! (and friendly too!) She originally quoted me 2 weeks turn around which was fine as it is a handmade doll--well guess what mamas! she had it done and shipped to me in 3 days!!
I would not hesitate to buy a doll from this mama ever! I wish all transactions were so easy
Thanks Kelli!
Kelli is so awesome! I had found her site because of a doll she had on eBay (that I won) and I emailed her about doing a layaway for a couple dolls for the girls for Yule and she was so sweet. She was really willing to work with me on it. Well, I got them a little earlier than expected and I can not tell you how much I love them!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!!! She even included a couple incredible extras for me (thank you sooo much, Kelli!!!).
I can't wait until I can get a Greenman from her and I'm already thinking of some more dolls (and the little ones are such a great size!).
Can you tell I love them? Lol!
Hi, Kelli--The love fest continues! The girls arrived and are beautiful, of course! I just can't get over studying all their individual features--the necklaces, peacock feathers, etc. Titania's little fairy and butterflies are *awesome*! It must be so satisfying to have actually created these dolls! I especially love Titania's fabric body--the purple pattern...and Gaia's hair is cool--wish mine would curl like that. :)
Thank you again!!
In loving remembrance of Her,
Hi, Kelli!
We just got the Spirit Kore today. She is so lovely! Maxim (my baby) liked her right away! The lovely energy that you put into your beautiful creation was felt by all of us!
Thank you so much for the beauty you have given us!
Blessed be,
This is one mama who you just HAVE to order from! Her dolls look nice online but they are even more amazing in person. (hard to believe)
Kelli got my doll done really really fast. She even hunted high and low to find a small accessory that I really wanted on the doll. (I ordered a mini Bast for my daughter for Yule)
The mini-Bast just arrived yesterday and I have already asked Kelli to make a mini Vesta (Hestia in Greek) for my kitchen altar. I also want another one done for my larger altar......and then one of her large ones for my bed.
I will be a repeat customer. Kelli even enclosed a little something with the Bast doll. It was a incredible yummy smelling Goddess soap. I can't wait to have a bath and use it.
I love seeing the Goddess represented. The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot!!!!
Thanks again for a great transaction!!!
She is lovely, and came with a special added bonus ornament for Yule. I have her sitting in a perfect spot on my altar right now!
This is one dolly that's MINE, not dd's.
Thanks so much Kelli - you do absolutely beautiful work
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