I am Danu, first and most ancient Mother Goddess of Ireland.  Call on me to help you manifest your inner desires, especially all of your creative endeavors. Of course I will be with you if you are seeking the wisdom of fertility and motherhood, but also if you are working on the inspiration of your soul.

Culture or Country of Origin
Other Names/Spellings
Related Sister-Goddesses

Anu, Ana, Dana, Don,
St. Anne

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Arianrhod   |   Boudicca   |   Brigid   |   Cailleach   |   Cerridwen   |   Danu   |   Druantia   |   Epona   |   Flidais   |   Gwenhwyfar   |   Lady of the Lake & the Priestess of Avalon   |   Modron   |   Morgaine   |   Morrigan   |   Rhiannon   |   Titania

detail of Danu's embroidery

Don't you want to rub that soft belly?? :)


Danu wears a soft white gown graced with the Celtic swirls and curves of Motherhood which hug her round, pregnant belly. She has red hair and wears a necklace of malachite.

11" Danu is $50