I am Danu, first and most ancient Mother Goddess of Ireland. Call on me to help you manifest your inner desires, especially all of your creative endeavors. Of course I will be with you if you are seeking the wisdom of fertility and motherhood, but also if you are working on the inspiration of your soul.
Dancing Goddess Dolls | home
Arianrhod | Boudicca | Brigid | Cailleach | Cerridwen | Danu | Druantia | Epona | Flidais | Gwenhwyfar | Lady of the Lake & the Priestess of Avalon | Modron | Morgaine | Morrigan | Rhiannon | Titania
detail of Danu's embroidery
Don't you want to rub that soft belly?? :)
Danu wears a soft white gown graced with the Celtic swirls and curves of Motherhood which hug her round, pregnant belly. She has red hair and wears a necklace of malachite.
11" Danu is $50