I am Flidais, Mistress of the Stags, Goddess of the Woodlands. To those who honor my forests and cherish my creatures I bestow sacred treasures, and although I am known as a protectress of the wild flora and fauna found in forests, you may look to me when your domestic animal companions are in need as well.

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Detail of Flidais' Stag

6-inch Flidais

pocket Flidais

This was a beautiful set I made for a handfasting (wedding).
I loved how Flidais' golden stag coordinated with Diarmuid's golden torc.

Flidais wears a spruce green flannel dress embroidered with a Celtic stag. She has red hair, a twig necklace, and carries a willow bow upon request.

11" Flidais is $65

6" Flidais is $30

3.5" Flidais is $16
(smaller sizes don't come with the bow)