I am Hecate, Dark Mother, Queen of the Night, Guardian of the Ancestors, Goddess of Crossroads, the Underworld, and Transformation. Is it any wonder that women in labor call out to me? Of all the waking creatures, perhaps it is only mothers who fully understand what it means to die a little death and live again, transformed, with a new appreciation for mortality in general. My realm is that of intuition, the unconscious, dreams, and yes, nightmares. The darkness within each of us can be illuminated. If you choose to look, though, be forewarned: you will emerge from your descent a changed being.
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Amalthea | Aphrodite | Artemis | Athena | Aurora | Demeter | Gaia | Hecate | Hera | Hestia | Hygieia | Illythia | Iris | Luna | Medusa | Niobe | Nyx | Ops | Oracle | Persephone | Psyche | Terpsikhore | Tethys | Thetis
I used to sew Hecate's hat on, but now I send it unattached because I can fit her in a much smaller package, saving a lot in postage.
6-inch Hecate (really about 9" with the hat)
Also available as a card!
Hecate wears a black, velvety-velour dress and a necklace of tiger’s eye stones.
Her hair is a variegated gray, brown, and white yarn, topped with a conical witch’s hat.
Hecate's Wheel can be embroidered on her belly (shown above) for an extra $5.
11" Hecate is $50
6" Hecate is $30