I am Illythia, Goddess of Midwives and Childbirth. Women in labor call out to me and I rush to their sides, bringing joy and deliverance. I am there when each child of this world is brought into the Light, and for this reason I am often called Light Bringer, and seen with torches or candles. In later times, people even called me Lucina and I eventually became a Sun Goddess. Still later, other people called me "Saint" and taught their daughters to wear candle crowns in honor of me. Such is the power of childbirth!
Illythia's body is the beautiful red of childbirth. Her hair is a graying-blonde color, gray being the color of wisdom, something all good midwives share. Her necklace is of moonstone, stone of women, with a spiral shell in the center, the spiral symbolizing Life, the shell itself symbolizing the sea from which we all come. She wears a crown of candles, bringing in the Light.
11" Illythia is $55
6" Illythia is $37
3.5" Illythia is $16