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Greek and Roman Goddesses
Goddess of Nursing Mothers
Sacred Huntress
Goddess of Wisdom
Goddess of New Beginnings
Earth Mother
Mother Earth
Guardian of the Ancestors

Mistress of the Hearth
Goddess of Wellness
Matron of Midwives
Sacred Bridge to Divinity
Goddess of Sacred Cycles
Protectress of
Women's  Mysteries
Goddess of Night
Goddess of Plenty
Priestess of Prophecy
Queen of the Underworld
Goddess of the Soul
Goddess of Dancing
Primordial Mother of All
Goddess of the Sea

Also Featuring:

Ariadne reminds you that you have the answers within yourself, if you go deeply enough to find them. Her dress is stone-gray, embroidered with a classic labyrinth, and she 'holds' a ball of yarn (which will always lead you home!) Rhanna pointed out something I hadn't intended, which is that the little bit of purple in ...her hair could symbolize Ariadne's marriage to Dionysus. I love it that my daughter is surpassing my ability to see these symbols when they crop up! :D

Devera, Roman Goddess of Purifying
In ancient Roman times, as in many places today, a sacred space would be swept prior to ritual or celebration to purify and cleanse. My broom sweeps away darkness and makes room for the light.

Eurynome, Daughter of the Ocean