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Celtic Goddesses

Lady of the Silver Wheel
Warrior Queen
Goddess of Inspiration
Crone of Winter
Lady of Transformation
Mother Goddess
Lady of the Woodlands
Queen of the Land
Guardian of Justice & Dreams
Guardian of Spirit
Goddess of Dreams
Queen of the Faeries

Also Featuring:
Coventina, Healing Goddess of Rivers, Springs, and Wells.

Blodeuwedd,  Welsh Goddess of Flowers

Dechtare, Irish Triple Goddess

Brunissen is an interesting Celtic Goddess, somewhat equivalent to Hecate of the Crossroads from Greece. She is known as the "Brown Queen" and she knits together many opposites, like light and dark, sunrise and sunset, this world and the Otherworld. This reconciliation between contradictory ideas is what makes her a perfect Goddess for an Equinox celebration, itself a time of balance.

I liked the symbol of the Tree of Life for her, because it brings together the connection of this world to the Otherworld. She is dressed in a regal brown gown, and her earthly-colored hair is tied fashionably in the back.




Selkie Queen
another Brigid  :)