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Asian Goddesses
Goddesses from Asia, including India, Polynesia, and Australia

Goddess of the Sun
Mother of Life & Death
Goddess of Compassion
Goddess of Prosperity
Goddess of Fire
Great Compassionate Mother

Also Featuring:

Kannon, Japanese bodhisattva of Compassion
Her arms are down in a prayerful pose, and she is wrapped in a kimono-like shawl, tied with a golden obi.
She also has a cherry blossom in her hair.

Ratri, Hindu Goddess of the Night
She will keep you safe through the hours of darkness, and offers rest and rejuvenation.

Benzaiten, Japanese Love and Sea Goddess

 Hsi Wang Mu, Taoist Goddess of Immortality


custom Amaterasu

custom Jaya Durga